We Appreciate Our Sponsors


We have been extremely fortunate to have very dedicated student sponsors as an integral part of our team. In 2025 we will still be supporting 27 secondary students. Any sponsor of a secondary school student is asked to donate $850/year until their sponsored student graduates from secondary school. Sponsors of post-secondary students are asked to donate $1,000/year until their sponsored student graduates. Since students newly sponsored in 2025 will all be high school graduates ready to enrol at a post-secondary school, the financial commitment expected from a sponsor will be for 3 or 4 years instead of 7 or 8 years. Sometimes it is easier for a family or group of individuals to come together to collectively sponsor a student and give them the chance for a brighter future!

A Word from our sponsors:

“Who knows what these children can do for the future – their own, their nation’s and perhaps even globally – if they are given the precious gift of education”
— Michele Altermann, Sponsor with the CPG Student Sponsorship Program

How did you become a sponsor with CPG?

I started with CPG when Ron Bell did a presentation at Cameron Heights to staff, that was probably 12 or 13 years ago.  Initially, I was part of a group of 6 teachers that sponsored one student (there were three groups in the first year). A few years later, I decided to sponsor a student on my own and recruited another teacher to take my spot in the team sponsorship. Ron presented so compellingly, describing how students were desperate to learn but there were so few resources. He described building benches so they didn’t have to sit on the floor. That learning the alphabet could be done with a stick in the dirt. As an educator but also as a parent I wanted to help and a dollar goes so far there compared to what it can buy in Canada. The other big reason for going with CPG instead of the many other organizations you see advertising is that I knew the people involved (Steve Scott and Ron Bell) and that all the money went to the children and not used for administration or overhead.

How has your sponsorship impacted the students?

So far I have sponsored one student all the way through to university. He is now a teacher. I am sponsoring my second student, a young woman who wants to be a lawyer. I intend to sponsor her through to university if she is successful academically.  When you talk about value for a dollar, I paid so much more for my own children to attend post-secondary schools than the $1,000 it costs for a year of university in Kenya. Aside from helping the students I sponsor succeed personally, I also view supporting them as being part of building a better future for Kenya.

Do you keep in touch with the students?

I do hear from students occasionally because I was the contact point for the Cameron teams and they knew my name. One graduate found me through LinkedIn and we have tried to keep in touch.

Do you have any advice for someone thinking of becoming a sponsor?

I would tell anyone who was thinking about becoming a sponsor to go for it because it might be the most impactful giving you ever do. Who knows what these children can do for the future – their own, their nation’s and perhaps even globally – if they are given the precious gift of education.

“There are so many needs in our world.  This is one way we can help deserving individuals to learn and to have successful careers in their communities.”
—               Barbara and Dave Arthur, Sponsors with the CPG Student Sponsorship Program

How did you become a sponsor with CPG?

We have been sponsors with the CPG Program from its earliest days. Dave was a colleague of Ron Bell’s in the Science Department at Cameron Heights so we were both aware of how much Ron and Daisy gave to not only our community but also more globally. We respected them a great deal and knew whatever venture they initiated would be worthwhile. There are so many needs in our world. This is one way we can help individuals who are deserving to learn and to have successful careers in their communities.

How has your sponsorship affected you?

We have learned more about Kenya and the perseverance of the students, in spite of hardships they face such as drought and political unrest. We have, relatively speaking, so much and we believe we need to contribute to others to make our world a better place.

Do you keep in touch with the Students?

We have sponsored more than one student over the years. We don’t keep communication with the first girl we sponsored but are interested any time we get information about her.  In the past couple of years when email is possible, it has been easier to communicate with our current student.

Do you have any advice for someone thinking of becoming a sponsor?

You can be sure that all of the money you contribute will go to the individual and the school. There is practically no money that goes to administrators since they volunteer their time and pay their own way if they travel.  And you have the satisfaction of making a huge difference in the lives on individuals who could not otherwise get an education and lead a productive life.

If you are interested in helping a child gain a brighter future, please contact us at info@caringpartners.ca

To make a donation, please click here.