Matangwe Hospital Today
History of the Matangwe Hospital
In 1994, Sylvia and Stephen Scott began working with local leaders in Matangwe to plan the development of a local health clinic. In Canada they worked with the Canadian Development Agency, local service clubs, church groups, health care agencies and others to secure donations of funds, health care equipment and medicines. The following is a timeline of the key milestones in the development of what today is the Matangwe Hospital.
1996 - the community of Matangwe broke ground and started to work on the building
1998 - the first container of equipment was sent from Canada and a team of volunteers travelled to Matangwe , Kenya to assist with the clinic building
2000 - A water bore hole was drilled and a generator installed with funding from the Kitchener-Waterloo and Area Rotaries
2001 - The clinic was completed and the first patient was seen on October 21. Inpatient beds were added to stabilize the overwhelming number of patients presenting in critical conditions
2004 - A partnership was developed with Queen’s University Medical School in Kingston Ontario for a Global Health Elective experience at Matangwe Hospital, Kenya
2005 - A residence was built on the grounds for clinic staff and international volunteers
2007 - A Funeral Home was opened to meet the MOH requirement for a certified morgue on the grounds. MCHDP strategically incorporated funeral home services as a horizontal business to support catchment communities in planning death and burial with dignity.
2011 - Electricity was added to the compound
2014 - Received accreditation as a hospital, enabling funding by the Kenyan National Health Insurance. A partnership with McMaster Degroote School of Medicine, Waterloo Campus, was initiated for a Global Health Elective at Matangwe Hospital.
2018 - A metered water line was piped into hospital compound to provide back-up supply.
2021 – New MOH Kenya Directives on Levels of Care, National Health Insurance Fund reimbursement rates, Maternal and Child Care standards were communicated for implementation by each hospital and based on the Kenya MOH, Facility classification.
2022 - Renovations started to convert the community centre into a stand-alone maternity wing
2023 - New Maternity Wing opened, overall bed complement increased to 37.