The people served by the Matangwe Hospital live in abject poverty and suffer from many preventable and treatable diseases. Reliance on subsistence farming and fishing for livelihoods, along with low gainful employment rates, results in an ongoing weak local economy and poor health outcomes. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 43% of the Kenyan population lives in poverty. Even today, families daily face choosing between food, education, or health care needs. Caring Partners Global (CPG) in partnership with the Matangwe Community Health development Program (MCHDP) aims to improve the future for the people of this region through a focus on primary health care, education, food security and economic development.


Over 30 visits are made each day to the Matangwe Hospital by local residents utilizing a range of services which include birthing, early childhood development, immunizations and treatment and support for communicable diseases. Thanks to our partners and donors, we continue to expand our services.

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Economic development

Having the ability to learn and develop new skills that will enable individuals to obtain gainful employment is a key success factor in building a sustainable future. Opportunities to learn skills such as tailoring, beading and computer basics are held in the community centre.

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The CPG student scholarship program, which began with 15 secondary school students in 2006, is flourishing and continues to be one of the most efficient educational scholarship programs in the developing world. Now, more than 315 young Kenyans have been offered student scholarships by CPG.

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Food security continues to be a major concern in the Matangwe area, due in large part to the lack of access to clean water, periods of extensive drought and traditional agricultural practices. Thanks to our generous donors, we have been able to make progress in this area.

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